What if our world is a myth? What if all our beliefs are legends? What if all of our holy books are plagiarisms of one or two older sources of rituals and historical beliefs? I’ve always asked myself about the sole creator. Who is he or she? Why do we have to blindly believe in him/her? Why has never anyone found real and concrete proof of it? I’ve asked a lot of people: clergy men, thinkers, I’ve researched most philosophers and I found no answer. No one can ever define this power or find its origin. Therefore, I began my own research. I went back in time to the first rituals ever made by Man. I retraced his thought and i had few keys to work with. For instance, it was peculiar enough to see that the only civilisations that have ever thought of gods as similar to humnas are the Greeks. In Edith Hamilton’s book 'mythology', it was said that the Greek poets and artists thought of man so great, so splendid and strong that he became their fulfilment of their search for beauty. Thus, the Greeks realized that they didn’t need an unknown and paralyzing omnipotent power. Their gods were as humans as us. They had our characteristics and our flaws. ('Zeus, trying to hide his love affair form his wife who was the stock character of a typical jealous wife...') all these made the Greek gods closer to man but of course they were to be feared for they were very powerful and dangerous when angry...then Greece might have freed people from the monstrous idea of the un-human supreme over the human (myth1). Humans, I guess, always needed this mysterious power that justifies all things in the world. Man needed something to revert to as a purging source when he made mistakes, he needed a supreme power behind which he would hide or try and explain or understand nature around him. I’m not trying hereby to prove or deny the existence of any god or gods. This is just an attempt to understanding why did we need the creation of such force(s). Man is so an intelligent being. Why would he deny himself the belief in his/her unconscious? Why wouldn’t he credit himself for procreation? I, personally, believe that no power is greater than the one each human being holds within. To me it’s the feeling of relief with one’s self is the key to open the door to one’s sublimity and divinity.
Ø Myth1: Edith Hamilton, MYTHOLOGY: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes (1969), §16-17-19
Its a question of time...
ReplyDeletePeople need a higher being to blame for all the things that go wrong and make the afterlife less threatening...
They need to believe in something above what they can understand...
Its something fascinating! And since all the unknown is scary...we fear God, and as long as we live in the fear of the unknown and the fear of punishment...in one way or another we limit ourselves to perform morally and socially accepted things...
Thats the way i see it...
i hear you on that, but time is moving so fast and things are growin bigger than ever so y should man still retrieve himslef in that corner and not open up for all the big horizon ahead of him????
ReplyDeleteHi from Greece...
ReplyDeletei read with interest...
Most welcome, hope u'll enjoy the others, too. thank you